Monday, February 15, 2010

Rough journey towards Success destination.!

Success? Can you mean it. Does the word mean it.
Does anybody get the success with journey on soft flowers. anybody???

Forget about the success achieved by others but think about where r u now.
There comes the opinions as optimism and pessimism.
Think as,
I AM AT BEST POSITION. I will continue this through out my life. will . sure. yes I am.. while writing this sentence I resolved lot of personal issues, and professional issues. This shows, If you think you are best position, then yes you are at and you can do anything..

Optimistic, selfconfidence are initiatives, but there is a chance, but next happenings may convert these things. The one who can stick to this will remain as winner himself. Not only these but the one who stick to their decisions through out their game will remain as winner himself..

Let me give example who done that way, The first one, Gandhiji, He believed in Truth, through out his life. Honesty was his policy, Ahimsa was his weapon and u know rest of the story.

Few guys may object that, u have to change ur mindset according to the Time, complying to the time. May be few guys may succeed in this way, but you know if you changed ur mindset at once, u will proceed with more changings.. and will live on like that change, change..Continuous change is required, in mind, in work, in activities- if u change once.

Success, reached by many people. but that is not final. success is, moving from one failure to another failure without loss of enthusiasm.
By the way you may fail once, you may lose once, but, wait there for a moment, think once. Put a target bigger/worthier than the target where you lost/failed. You will succeed making a statement, as the first target should regret of not being with you.
Be brave, be positive and be confident.


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