Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy women's day

A gal while trying to get down from the rear door, the bus was moving, and she fell down on the road. in the next minute her friend, one more gal, also stepped down from the bus, in hurry to help, and this gal also hit the road. Damn.. I was stuck/stunned. I was not expecting that they were doing that. but they did. I was standing on the footboard. I am the live witness for that unfortunate incident. COuld i do anything to stop that? As ever in journey, I was unconsious that time too. FOR WHICH I DEEPLY REGRET NOW. Ok now the matter is not about my consciousness, but.
The struggle of woman on this earth.
It is not sympathy. But it is truth that, women/girls stuggling/fighting alot in this world to compete/survive with the physically strong and dominating men/boys.
I am/will support them. Happy 100th celebration of women's day.
btw, hope/wishing the gals who were in accident are fine now..


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Self Exposed.

Have been same for years. Being honest. Biased to honest hardworkers.
In the process, arguing with friends and relatives. resulted in few friends moving away from me same way, I moved away from few friends.

I had kept an etiquette - I learnt in my schooling. In schooling everything we learned is best. but the world outside is complete contrary to that. SO WE NEED TO ADJUST FOR FEW THINGS.

No smoking, No drinking, Virginity till marriage. These are the basic things to implement. One need to work very hard to keep these. I AM GLAD THAT I HAVE BEEN for many YEARS AND ON...

LOVE is the only thing I am expecting from people whom I met, Whom I spoke with. but pchhh.. nobody. I am sorry to my heart.