yesterday.. i have watched an intrview, in a rarely watched tv channel, dd-8 , with a software professional. He is good[don't say great] at his opinions. I forgot his name, but i remember his company, started by himself, now possible is the word to now pos. he is working for a new mode of search engine. He gave some features of this search engine. Now itself i dont want appreciate that features. But who knows , it may beat Google, as his expectations may reach. ofcourse I wish him heartfully.
The great thing I found in that interview is, that he is trying to produce , not only for himself. but to make a product for India. His aim is somebody all over the world should use a product which is made in India. Here I INSPIRE him. This is not the first time , I have heard about lack of products from india. I have been listening to it for 2 years. Here I found one guy who is working for that... That is why I inspire him..
Here coming to immitations. Why a type of search engine?? no new Ideas... Google already done a history. and if still more needed., google itself may work towards that. It has plenty of money, resources...and i guess , going in its way, i feel that it must be a IMMITATION.
just my suggestion is try to have a INNOVATIVE, CREATIVE, USEFULL ideas..
An Idea can change our nation's life..
Rocking King,
Ratnakar Reddy katipally.